We leave tomorrow at 6 am, I should be getting ready right now. Finishing packing up 2 kids and me for a 3-4 stay in toronto, well i'm almost done lol.
Honestly I am a bundle of nerves. I can already feel my anxiety kicking in (MUST remember those meds for tomorrow) I am pretty sure everything will go smoothly, if I thought there would be problems I woudlnt do it. I do beleive the pros very much outweigh the cons...heck like hundreds of kids have this suregery and are fine. Its jsut its a surgery and my poor baby has already had 3 and shes only 3 years old. This will make 4 which means shes had more surgeries then birthdays..and frnakly thats jsut a bit sad.
the alst major procdure she had was her Biopsy last year, it went very well whcih is why I beleive she is strong enough for this one to go well too...now just tell my nerves this!!!
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