Thursday, May 23, 2013

Sebastians birthday!!!!

well today sebastian turns 2....and my moods are allll over the place. but for now i just want to remember his amazing birth and how lucky i am to be his mother! here is is birth story! Afeter an okay nights sleep, i woke up to contractions at 5:30 am. they were strong, but only about every 10 mins. So i timed then for an hour, they were still pretty far apart but were becoming stronger and hard to manage. So i went and wake up brant to tell him to call in to work today. He told me to call our Doula, Sarah, and my parents. but i was worried it was false labour again and didnt want to get everyone excited. I did end up calling sarah, who said she would come right away. and then i called my dad and warned him we might need him soon. then I had a shower. while i was in the shower i had several very hard to manage contractions told brant to call my dad back and have somone come over now. Sarah got to our house at about 7:30 am, and helped me manage my contractions and timed them for me. they were about 5 mins apart now and lasting for like a min, some longer. my mom got there soon after to watch the kids. So we (sarah me and brant) went into the family room to labour alone. I tred the birthing ball and walking. but walking was casuing severe contractions, so i prefered to sit. finally i felt that we should call the midwife,sarah wanted to wait a bit longer but after a few more contractions me and brant agreed we should call now. Carly, my MW, agreed to meet us at the hospital. We got there at about 9:30 am. We ran into Carly in the parking lot, and she walked ahead of us to get settled. i was having contractions every few steps, so eventually they convicned me to use a wheelchair. Once inside i changed into a gown, and Carly checked me. i was 6-7 cm dilated. We went into the birthing room soon after. Where i changed into my own night gown. i laboured on the birth ball for a little while. but i was having issues tolerating the pain while sitting down so I kept standing up and leaning against brant for each contraction, while Sarah rolled a frozen water bottle down my back. finally I felt a great urge to push, so they tried to convince me to labour on the Carly said they didnt care what position, but prefered if i was voer soemthing softer then the floor. but if i really wanted to i could push where i was (standing beside the bed). i didnt feel comfortable doing that as i was afraid of falling over. So i finally was able to lay on the bed, and carly told me if i felt the urge to push then push as i knew my body best. So i pushed. my water broke, and things got really intense really fast, and his head was right there. Carly told me to slow down on the pushing and to breathe through a couple contractions before letting me finish pushing him out in 1 more push. Sebastian Steven mark was born at 10: 42 am, after only just 1 hour of labouring in hospital. it was completly med free and intervention free, exactly how i wanted. will post pics later.

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