Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hearing Aids

So Lilia has her hearing Aids now (except they did mess up on the colour of the one part..but they will fix that next week). When we first heard her hearing was damaged..and peramant I was upset. I was hoping we were wrong..or it was jsut fluid and fixable. But it didnt take me long to adjust...its just anothr part of her journey. I dont see the point in being negative over soemthing that wwe cant change, and its not even life threatening. I will save all my worries for her heart issues, now thats soemthing wroth worrying over (not that hse has any issues right now..but trasnplant can be a very scary thing when you think of the future too much) now that she hasthe aids I am very excited! I hope she will still speak sooner rather then later (although its still going to take lots of work...and wont see any improvments for a few months at least most likly) besides now ppl wont look at me like shes mental when they find out shes almsot 3 and still doenst do anything more then babble. Now they were hopefully see the aids and relaize she has issues so i wont have to keep saying it all the time.

NG tube, heairng aids...all she needs now is glasses!! (keep your fingers crossed she doenst..we actually have some suspcions about this)

1 comment:

Christie said...

The aids look really good. I hope they do help her improve with her speech.