Monday, November 17, 2008

Swimming and weight loss

So I do a pretty hard swim plan mon-fri for an hour each day. I pretty much end up doing 2K in that hour, today i finished my 2K 5 mins early so i did an extra 400M. Which is good since I wont be swimming tomorrow as Lilia has an appoimnent to get her hearing aids early in the morning.

Last week this older woman whom I swim with (she is an awesome swimmer, espeically for her age..she competes and everything) was asking about my kids and stuff. She didnt realize i had a baby let alone 3 kids lol. Anyways so she ends up asking me if I use to compete, i tell her yes i did in high school (actually I started at about 12 and did it untill i was 18/19). She told me she could tell becuase I have beautiful technique! Well thats nice to hear especially becuase I havnt swam like this since I was like 19 (so about 8/9 years now) and its nice to know that i havn't lost everyhting that I had learned.

She also told me she could see a major improvment sicne i started coming (been going about 4 months i think..maybe a bit less) with my speed.

I also went into work the other day with Lilia, and an old co worker asked how much weight I had lost becuase she could really notice a loss. 59.8 lbs!! woo hoo! I only have 100.8 left. I know its a lot still.but I am getitng closer. I already feel a lot better then I use to.

My mom and my sister yesterday also noticed, Amanda hadnt seen me in a few weeks and she said she can really start to notice the loss now too, espeically in my face.

Its nice to hear things like this, I know I shouldnt need to hear these things..but lets face it I am only human and its nice when ppl notice your hard work.


Christie said...

Wow that is so fantastic Jen. I have noticed the difference in the pictures you have posted.

Keep up the good work!

Jennifer said...

Thank you!!!